Harvesting seeds

Melissa shows students how to gently harvest pea pods from the vines.

Melissa shows students how to gently harvest pea pods from the vines.

It’s that time in the garden when cool-weather plants are about to give up the ghost and are producing seeds. Some we  eat, and some we save. This week students harvested snow peas for eating – a lovely yellow variety that was both prolific and easy to spot on the green vines.

Learning to spot a seed and separate it from the flower.

Learning to spot a seed and separate it from the flower.

They also harvested calendula seeds from the dying flowers. Some of these will be planted in school gardens next fall. The cycle of life.


The students are taking the show on the road! Last week, they built a lovely raised bed herb garden behind the offices of Alachua County Food and Nutrition services. These herbs will be tried by young students in the Fresh Fruits and Vegetables program and also used as fodder for recipe testing by Chef Moss (whose portable is conveniently next door).

The work went so quickly with so many hands, and the students learned very quickly how to build the beds and space the plants. This will be a gift that keeps giving. They will soon be working with Florida Organic Growers to assist in constructing beds for their GIFT Garden program.

Cardboard was placed under the beds to tamp down weed growth.

Cardboard was placed under the beds to tamp down weed growth.

Bed-building was demonstrated by a local carpenter-volunteer.

Bed-building was demonstrated by a local carpenter-volunteer.

et voila!

et voila!

The AMT company (Arthur, Matt and Tudorell) continue to rise to every horticultural challenge.

The AMT company (Arthur, Matt and Tudorell) continue to rise to every horticultural challenge.

volunteers - finishing touches

Only one bed remained to be planted after the school day was over. Thanks to our wonderful staff for finishing it up!

School Gardens Funded by Food and Nutrition Services

School garden at Kanapaha Middle School, Spring 2014

School garden at Kanapaha Middle School

School gardens are contributing to school lunches with help from a $300 grant from Alachua County Schools Food and Nutrition Services. Schools that grow food for school kitchens can purchase transplants, soil, seeds, tools, and other supplies seasonally. Alachua County schools interested in this support can contact Kelli at brewkm(at)gm.sbac.edu for more information.