Irma vs Farm to School

emerging from storm

Emerging from the storm

While Irma had lost some of its punch by the time it reached us, still, what a mess! We had a leaky roof, damaged fruit, a lot of fallen plants, and some flooding.

downed plants

orchard under water

On top of that, the groundcloth that had been painstakingly applied to the new teaching orchard, blew off and away before we finished covering with mulch.

orchard post storm

Fortunately for us, lots of volunteers and staff helped clean up and set things right again.  Unfortunately, hurricane season is not over yet. We will be mulching non-stop over the next few days.


riley and daniel

Searching for water lines since irrigation heads blew off along with the groundcover…

judy and brandi


We were also lucky to get out our first Harvest of the Month – muscadines! – before the storm hit. We were not as lucky with the avocado planned for September. The winds that downed huge live oaks in Gainesville, also produced a lot of flying avocados.

But we’re back! It’s going to be a great year of creating sustainability in a changing climate (weather and other). We know that hard work and hope will continue to fuel a solid plan for a local food system that supports good health and employment.
